
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

What Is Your Biggest Regret?

So this video popped up on my FB feed and I started to share it, but the my comment was SO long and I thought... might as well make that a blog post instead! Here is the video:

I love this so much. What are things you WANT to do but you DON'T because you are afraid? 

Truth time: This is one of the biggest reasons I started working out, and why I still do it on a regular basis. I am young. My body is capable of doing so much. SO IS YOURS. I don't want to turn 40, 50, 60, 70... and look back and WISH I had taken better care of myself. WISH that I had signed up for crazy races and taken chances even though I was afraid of failure. 

How many times have you looked back on a photo of yourself when you thought you were "fat" and thought... "Man, I wish I was as 'fat' now as I was back then!" I've seen that quote on Pinterest, I know you have too. And I have totally been there. I don't want to live like that. I will never be 100% satisfied with my body, but I am SO PROUD of what my body has accomplished over the past few years! My body made a another human being. My body ran 3 half marathons. My body learned how to do bar muscle-ups. My body runs and does CrossFit. I don't regret ANY of that! 

Here are some things I DO regret:

1) Making decisions based on what other people think. I do this on a daily basis. I'm talking LIFE decisions! I hate letting people down, saying no. I've taken jobs before because I thought I would feel guilty applying for something and then turning it down. WHA?? Who does that!? 
2) I regret not being a better friend. I am so selfish and so in the "now" all the time. I'm friends with whoever is around me at the time, and I am terrible about staying in touch with those I don't see very often. If that's you, I'm so sorry. I'm working on it. 
3) I regret not taking better care of my shoulder. I should have went to a different doctor for a second opinion when I first injured it! But I didn't, and I made it worse, and now here I am 6 months out from surgery with at least 6 months of recovery remaining. If you have an injury, even if you don't think it's serious, have it checked out. What's the worst that could happen? For me it was about money. But had I sucked it up and paid for the initial MRI all those years ago, I probably could have avoided a VERY expensive surgery later down the road. 
4) I regret not being a more understanding step-parent when my husband and I first got married. I love my little girl like she is my own! I've always treated her like she's "mine"... and I never even considered how it all would make a biological mom feel. I wish I could go back and be more understanding and considerate in that situation.
5) I regret all the years I strayed from God. I regret not listening to what He wanted me to do with my life, and I regret how bad I made being a Christian "look" during my college days! 

I could go on and on about the things I regret! I 'm sure you could, too!

Regret happens in so many areas of life. Going back to school, finishing a degree, applying for the dream job, moving, traveling, starting a family, saying "I'm sorry," volunteering, getting healthy, losing weight, going to church. 

Take a minute. Think about your life, your dreams. Think about the regrets you already have now and realize that you CAN do something about them! What are some things you want to accomplish that you're not because you're afraid of what people might think? Afraid it might be too hard? Afraid you might fail? That's no way to live! 

Everyday you wake up is another opportunity to DO SOMETHING. 

Don't live a life of regret. 


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